Wellbens accountants know well how important accounting services are to a good and functioning business. In addition to complying with the Slovak legal obligations, a quality accountant can make your business easier and draw your attention to possible shortcomings in your business model.
What do we offer at Wellbens?
Our company can offer you a wide range of accounting services. Our clients are VAT payers as well as VAT non-payers, natural persons and legal persons. We keep books for small and medium-sized companies while providing a professional, but still highly personalized, approach to your accounting matters.
Comprehensive accounting for small and medium businesses includes many different services. Payroll accounting, corporate income tax and preparation of various financial statements are the most common accounting services we provide.
Wellbens accountants are tracking all Slovak legislative changes, so that our accounting services always meet all the requirements set by the current legislation. Your accounting must comply with all the requirements of applicable law, therefore it is advisable to leave accounting to experts, such as those at Wellbens.
Besides legal persons, we also provide accounting services to high-income individuals, such as artists and athletes. Providing accounting services for these people requires a lot of experience, but also, a good sense of business. Whether you specialize in sport or arts, Wellbens accounting is here for you.
In addition to accounting service itself, we can also provide you with high quality tax advisory services, which will enable you to optimize your income. Active entrepreneurs and professionals know that only responsible accounting represents a solid foundation for you and your company upon which you can build your brand. Wellbens accountants are ready to serve you and your business.
If you are interested in Wellbens accounting services, please contact us.